I started this site for a couple of reasons but mostly as a continuation of a weekly newspaper column I used to write for a small hometown newspaper, The Williston Pioneer.
I enjoyed writing the column, even if weekly deadlines weren’t always the bright part of my week.
After I no longer wrote the column, though, I realized I missed the outlet. I missed sharing with others, whether it be local happenings, internet sites or just my opinions on things.
The good parts about writing a blog of your own; no deadlines, and no worries about getting an editor in trouble by writing about your unpopular opinions.
This blog has undergone many changes through the years. The last change, I think, is the best. I used to share things that caught my eye, no matter where I found them. I have come to realize that the things that I missed sharing the most from my original newspaper column, were the ones that shared a piece of me.
I hate to make hard and fast rules because it never fails, as soon as I do, I will be breaking them, but for the most part, this blog will no longer share things that I haven’t written or pictures that I haven’t taken.